

Public lands leasing at bargain basement prices

For the past nine years, the BLM has been revising its long-term “resource management plan” for more than 3.5 million acres of public lands in southwest Wyoming — including the Red Desert. Once finalized, this plan will dictate which lands are available for oil and...

Announcing: 2020 Calendar Contest Winners!

Our annual calendar contest is one of our staff’s favorite creative projects because it opens a window for us to see Wyoming through the eyes of our members, supporters, and fellow Wyomingites — the people who share the values we advocate for day in and day out. Every...

Wyoming poised to safeguard big game migrations

DECEMBER 2019 UPDATE: We eagerly await the draft of the Governor’s executive order, and we anticipate that it will arrive this month. In the meantime, we’ve continued our advocacy to support the three officially designated mule deer migration corridors in...

New to the Team: John Burrows

This month the Wyoming Outdoor Council welcomed its newest member of the team, John Burrows, who serves as conservation advocate. John joins our robust program team and will work closely on air and water quality and other natural resource issues. A lifelong angler and...