We work to ensure favorable air quality conditions persist and we also work to improve
air quality in areas in the state where it has been degraded.

Inadequately regulated fossil fuel development threatens our health, contributes to global climate change, and impairs the sweeping vistas we still enjoy across Wyoming’s vast open spaces. We advance common-sense, proactive air pollution policies — many of which the state, to its credit, has adopted. Some of these policies, which can and should be strengthened, address the wasteful practices of venting and flaring of natural gas. Other policies require best practices in order to detect and capture fugitive emissions from oil and gas infrastructure. Today, these leak detection and repair best practices are only applicable in one region of the state. We’re working to see them applied to the entire state, especially as we anticipate thousands of new oil and gas wells being drilled in the coming years.

New federal methane rules would curb climate change, benefit Wyoming
On Friday, Nov. 11, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency took an important step toward protecting public health and reducing greenhouse gas emissions that contribute to climate change by strengthening proposed rules that will reduce wasteful methane emissions from the oil and gas industry. If enacted, these common-sense rules would be the first action by the […] READ MORE >
Two Ways to Reduce Methane Emissions, and Why Wyoming Needs them Both
Most policy experts agree that, along the long road to combating climate change and reducing greenhouse gas emissions, reducing wasted methane from oil and gas operations is “low-hanging fruit.” In 2020 alone, wasted methane gas from oil and gas operations made up roughly one-third of all methane emissions from human activity. The obvious need to […] READ MORE >
A Message from the Director
Advocating for conservation in Wyoming is demanding work, both for the Wyoming Outdoor Council’s staff and for passionate members like you. Not only are there more issues than we can possibly address as a small organization in a geographically large state, but for people with big hearts and a love for the wild, open spaces […] READ MORE >
COMMENts, Letters, & Other Documents

DEC. 17, 2019 | LETTER
Funding for Ozone Compliance Inspectors in the Upper Green River Basin
MAR. 2018 | REPORT
Wyoming Natural Gas Waste Report
OCT. 26, 2015 | COMMENTS
DEQ, Air Quality Division, update to oil and gas production facilities
AUG. 25, 2015 | MEMORANDUM
Cost effectiveness of conducting quarterly LDAR
APR. 13, 2015 | COMMENTS
Feb. 2015 Proposed Revisions to DEQ, Air Quality Division, Requirements for existing oil and gas production facilities or sources in Upper Green River Basin
MAR. 17, 2015 | COMMENTS
EPA’s Proposed Revisions to 8-Hour National Ambient Air Quality Standard (NAAQS) for Ozone
DEC. 1, 2014 | COMMENTS
Oct. 2014 Proposed Revisions to DEQ, Air Quality Division, requirements for existing oil and gas production facilities or sources in Upper Green River Basin
JUL. 11, 2014 | COMMENTS
DEQ/AQD Proposed Requirements for existing oil and gas production facilities/sources in the Upper Green River Basin
DEQ, Air Quality Division, Upper Green River Basin Ozone Strategy