

Legislative Watch: Halftime Report

With a consistent presence at the Capitol, timely research, and strong citizen engagement, the Wyoming Outdoor Council supported good legislation, opposed a number of harmful bills, and helped to improve others in the first two weeks of the Wyoming State legislative...

Legislative Watch: Stop the Land Grab

We need your help as soon as possible to stop attempted land grab efforts in Wyoming. Now is the time to stop the land grab make your voice heard! Two bills have been listed at the 2016 Wyoming State Legislature that aim to seize and privatize our national forests and...

Stopping the Land Grab

“The people of Wyoming understand that once our public lands are taken and auctioned off to the highest bidder, that’s it. Up go the No Trespassing signs and there goes our access.” Click here or on the image above to read more!

Act Now to Influence State Flaring Rule

The Wyoming Outdoor Council has worked for more than two years to reduce flaring and venting at oil wells in Wyoming. Now, as the state prepares to vote on long-awaited revisions to its rules governing these practices, we need your help. As a reminder, flaring is the...