

Member Profile: Day Scott

Listen to naturalist, outdoor educator, and new WOC member Day Scott talk about her journey from Los Angeles to Wyoming and it’s clear she’s hardwired to forge connections and build community. In the six months since moving to Lander, Day has become a regular...

Member Profile: Katie Hogarty & Bryon Lee

Time outside is important to Wyoming Outdoor Council members Katie Hogarty and Bryon Lee — whether it’s just sitting (without a cell phone) at Sweetwater Rocks and taking in the smells and sounds, walking their dog in the open space next to their Laramie home, or...

Many Citizens, One Voice: Why Members Matter

Ask any Wyoming Outdoor Council staffer and they’ll tell you: Protecting what’s best about Wyoming is a team effort. From removing illegal fencing that harms wildlife, to securing laws that better protect drinking water and air quality, to convincing decision-makers...