Five years ago, the Rock Springs BLM sought your perspective for a land-use plan that will determine management for Adobe Town, the Northern Red Desert, and other landscapes in Sweetwater and Sublette counties. Now, they want to hear from you again. What: Rock Springs BLM Open House When: August 24, 4-7 p.m. Where: Rock Springs Field Office, 280 […]

Love recreating at Johnny Behind the Rocks? Comment today!
The Lander BLM is recommending that surface mining at Johnny Behind the Rocks be restricted so as not to disrupt the recreational opportunities there. The Fremont County Commission has decided to oppose this proposal, but they are reconsidering on August 23rd. We believe the outstanding trail system and scenery at Johnny Behind the Rocks is […]
Wyoming Public Lands Initiative: Facts for Johnson County and How to Participate
Johnson County Residents: You can help determine the future of some of our most beloved local landscapes! What is the Johnson County Wyoming Public Lands Initiative? The Johnson County Commission recently announce its participation in the statewide Wyoming Public Lands Initiative. This is a major stakeholder effort to consider the fate of wilderness study areas (WSAs) and possibly other […]
The Wyoming Outdoor Council calendar photo contest: Celebrating 50 Years!
[envira-gallery id=”8276″] The Wyoming Outdoor Council Will Celebrate its 50th Anniversary in 2017! Submit your best Wyoming photos for inclusion in the Wyoming Outdoor Council’s 2017 calendar! Submission deadline is Wednesday, September 21, 2016 Previous calendars have included photographs by some of Wyoming’s best professional photographers, as well as many of its most gifted amateur shooters. Contest Rules […]
Wyoming Public Land Initiative: Facts for Sublette County & How to Participate
Sublette County Residents: You can help determine the future of some of our most beloved local landscapes! What is the Sublette County Wyoming Public Lands Initiative? The Sublette County Commission has initiated a formal collaborative process to consider the future management of its Bureau of Land Management wilderness study areas. The commissioners are looking for local citizen involvement to […]
Support solar energy in Wyoming – Tuesday, May 10
The Legislature’s Joint Interim Corporations Committee is meeting in Lander next week on Monday, May 9, and Tuesday, May 10. The Wyoming Outdoor Council will be making a formal presentation on the underutilized potential of solar energy in the state’s energy mix. The presentation will highlight future opportunities for market expansion, job growth, and economic diversification. We […]
Wyoming Public Lands Initiative: Facts for Carbon County & How To Participate
Carbon County Residents: You can help determine the future of some of our most beloved local landscapes! What is the Carbon County Wyoming Public Lands Initiative? The Carbon County Commission has initiated a formal collaborative process to consider the future management of its Bureau of Land Management wilderness study areas. It is looking for local citizen […]
Help us support the BLM’s efforts to reduce waste and pollution from oil and gas development.
Comments are due Friday, April 22nd. You can submit them here by clicking on the “Comment Now” button. Nearly everybody agrees companies need to fix leaky, faulty equipment and reduce natural gas waste as much as possible. Reducing unnecessary waste will also go a long way toward protecting people and public health, while at the same […]
Please Support ‘No Leasing’ Decision in the Wyoming Range!
The U.S. Forest Service has at long last released a draft analysis for its final decision about the last remaining—and most controversial—oil and gas leases on the eastern slope of the Wyoming Range. Please click here to voice your support for the agency’s preferred alternative: No Leasing. It has never been more important to show […]
Wyoming Public Lands Initiative: Facts for Fremont County & How to Participate
Julia Stuble, public lands advocate Fremont County Residents: You can help determine the future of some of our most beloved local landscapes by applying to participate in the Fremont County advisory committee! Deadline to apply is April 14. What is the Wyoming Public Lands Initiative? The Wyoming Public Lands Initiative is a county-convened process intended […]