

Running the Red Desert for conservation

“I’ve always been attracted to the Boar’s Tusk,” Wyoming Outdoor Council member Daniel Dale said after finishing a challenging 23-kilometer run that took him past the iconic Red Desert landmark. “Now I have a personal story to go with it.” Fostering personal...

Land Grab in Sheep’s Clothing

This month, Sen. John Barrasso introduced, and Sen. Mike Enzi co-sponsored, a reckless measure to advance the Trump administration’s disastrous doctrine of “energy dominance” over all other uses on public lands. The “Opportunities for the Nation and States to Harness...

Standing Together for Public Lands

“The president stole your land.” That’s the stark message today over at patagonia.com. We join Patagonia founder Yvon Chouinard and the vast majority of our fellow citizens to express our deep disapproval of President Trump’s recent decision to shrink the boundaries...


Last week, we sent a letter to Representative Liz Cheney opposing draft legislation that would transfer management authority for oil and gas permitting on federal lands to the states while allowing energy developers to circumvent our nation’s bedrock environmental...

A Summer in the Red Desert

I’ve been lucky to be able to spend several days this summer in the northern Red Desert, sharing this phenomenal place with representatives of state and federal agencies, local governments, and Sweetwater County residents. We admired the desert’s remarkable views...

A Public Lands Day for Wyoming

It’s been a busy end of the summer for the Keep it Public, Wyoming coalition. Events in Laramie and Jackson together brought out some 600 people—a testament to how important public lands are to our quality of life and economy in Wyoming. These events and another...