Lawmakers will confront a lot of new faces (including 29 new representatives and five new senators), a $913 million budget surplus, and perhaps as many as 700 individual bills.

Message from the director: A renewed commitment for 2023
As the year draws to a close, I hope you’ll join me to reflect on some of the good work we accomplished together in 2022. We were your source for up-to-date information on issues you cared about at the Wyoming Legislature. We drafted a conservation vision for the Red Desert and worked to make Indigenous […]
New federal methane rules would curb climate change, benefit Wyoming
On Friday, Nov. 11, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency took an important step toward protecting public health and reducing greenhouse gas emissions that contribute to climate change by strengthening proposed rules that will reduce wasteful methane emissions from the oil and gas industry. If enacted, these common-sense rules would be the first action by the […]
Action alert: Insist the BLM safeguard sage-grouse habitat in Wyoming
Given the downward trajectory of sage-grouse numbers, we should not be offering up sage-grouse habitat for industrial development.
Get ready to vote! Wyoming’s general election is Nov. 8.
On Tuesday, Nov. 8, make sure your values are being represented by heading to the polls for Election Day.
Photos from the 2022 Halloween Masquerade in Riverton
The Wyoming Outdoor Council was proud to help support a Halloween Masquerade hosted by the Indigenous Land Alliance of Wyoming on Oct. 14 in Riverton. Costumed kids came dressed to impress, the crowd strutted for cake walk prizes, and everyone had the chance to learn about how Tribal and community members can stay engaged in […]
This plan will protect Laramie’s drinking water. Add your voice today.
The consulting firm hired to update the Casper Aquifer protection plan has recommended new protections for drinking water that the Wyoming Outdoor Council supports.
Scenes from Run the Red and Wyoming Public Lands Day 2022
The eighth annual Run the Red trail race took off from South Pass City Saturday, Sept. 24, 2022 celebrating Wyoming Public Lands day with a testament to our incredible public lands. Over 260 runners — the most in the history of the event — stepped up to the challenge, venturing into the vast and beautiful […]
Q&A with Kara Choquette, Wyoming Energy Authority
Kara Choquette is director of communications and government relations for wind energy developer Power Company of Wyoming, as well as the TransWest Express transmission line project. Earlier this year, she joined the board of the Wyoming Energy Authority. She shared her thoughts about the Energy Authority and the role of renewable energy in Wyoming’s future […]
How will you celebrate this Wyoming Public Lands Day?
We all know that Wyoming is a special place. We are fortunate to live in a state where we can recreate on mountaintops, marvel at open vistas, watch wildlife roam, and take a moment to connect with the land and one another. Over half of Wyoming is public land, and all of it is the […]