IN A FUN EFFORT TO HELP LOCAL WILDLIFE HABITAT, the Wyoming Outdoor Council teamed up with the Wyoming Wilderness Association and the Bureau of Land Management to host a volunteer stewardship day to improve over a mile and a half of fencing in the Big Sandy foothills outside Boulder, Wyoming. This fence modification project, led […]

Bringing oil and gas leasing policies into the 21st century
THE YEAR 1988 FEELS LIKE A LIFETIME AGO. At the time, the Berlin Wall was still standing, over a million acres in the Greater Yellowstone burned to the ground, and the legal drinking age in Wyoming was 19. It was also the last time the Bureau of Land Management updated the rules that govern its […]
Story Behind the Photo: Barbara McMahill
Join Barbara and other photographers by submitting your own shot of Wyoming for the Outdoor Council’s 2024 Calendar Contest. You can enter your photos via Instagram or email. To submit your photo(s) via Instagram, you must have a public Instagram account so that we’re able to view your submission. Upload your photo(s) and add the […]
Every month, we plan to feature a submitted photo on our social media channels and in our email newsletter, in addition to the potential to see your photo in the 2023 Outdoor Council calendar.
Update on the last of the wild film screenings
Thanks to all of you who joined us in Riverton, Rock Springs, and Laramie for the first three screenings of Last of the Wild: A Red Desert Story. The turnout in these venues was robust and much of the feedback we’ve heard was overwhelmingly positive.I’m writing to respond to questions about the postponement of the Pinedale and […]
Marking a new milestone in the Outdoor Council’s 56-year history
A message from Paul Howard, president of the Board of Directors. April 28, 2023 Dear friends, Today is an inspiring time to be part of the Wyoming Outdoor Council. While we still embody the hardscrabble spirit of our founder Tom Bell and those early days as a home-grown Wyoming conservation group, we’ve also matured as […]
“Last of the Wild” premieres April 22 in Riverton
Last of the Wild brings the Red Desert to the big screen.
Beers & Bills is coming to a town near you!
Join the Wyoming Outdoor Council staff to learn about key bills, review our Conservation Vote Report, and find out what’s to come for the legislature in the months ahead.
It’s time to enact the oil and gas leasing reforms called for by Congress
Finalizing these reforms will ease the burden on taxpayers, protect wildlife habitat and areas with cultural and historic value, and stop “over-the-counter” lease sales at bargain basement rates.
Keep up the pressure to save our sagebrush
With sagebrush habitat in freefall, and ongoing sage-grouse population declines, we should be shoring up the best remaining sage-grouse habitat, not leasing it out for industrial development.