

The journey from bill to law

For me, today’s not just another Monday. It’s the kickoff to the budget session of the 67th Wyoming Legislature — a day that’s been circled in big, bold strokes on my calendar for months. So what will happen, you ask, on this Not-Just-Any-Monday? Let’s start with what we know: When this email reaches your inbox, […]

A wildlife legacy to uphold

IMAGINE THIS: It’s spring in Wyoming’s Red Desert, and daybreak unfolds around you. As the sun crests the horizon and illuminates mile upon mile of open sagebrush country, the songbirds’ dawn chorus reaches its crescendo. Sage thrashers and Brewer’s sparrows sing their hearts out. At intervals, the resonant “wups” of displaying Greater sage-grouse join in. […]

Q&A: An Eagle-Eye View of the Red Desert

In Wyoming’s Red Desert, the necessity of truly big-picture, holistic thinking around conservation advocacy is on full display. For one, it’s home to big game herds that require intact habitat throughout the length of migration corridors that span hundreds of miles. For another, it’s a place that has been stewarded by people for millennia, whose […]