[et_pb_section fb_built=”1″ _builder_version=”4.16″ _module_preset=”default” global_colors_info=”{}”][et_pb_row _builder_version=”4.16″ _module_preset=”default” global_colors_info=”{}”][et_pb_column type=”4_4″ _builder_version=”4.16″ _module_preset=”default” global_colors_info=”{}”][et_pb_text _builder_version=”4.16″ _module_preset=”default” global_colors_info=”{}”] WASTEWATER PLANNING: The Teton County Commissioners have approved funding to begin crafting a comprehensive wastewater management plan. The Wyoming Outdoor Council advocated for this important step toward addressing nitrate pollution in the area’s groundwater and our partner organization Protect Our Water Jackson […]

Story behind the photo: “Thorofare” by Karinthia Harrison
You may not know it, but the image featured for the month of July in our 2020 calendar is a well-known view in these parts. The mule and two horses graze in the foreground of the most iconic views in Wyoming — Deer Creek Pass in the Thorofare, one of the truly last wild places […]
Wyoming law student puts passion to work as Outdoor Council intern
Ryan Sedgeley didn’t take the traditional path to law school. Instead, the Colorado native studied photojournalism in Denver, worked at a newspaper on the Oregon coast while living as part of an intentional community, and spent most of the last eight years in and around national parks. Ryan — the Wyoming Outdoor Council’s 2020 summer […]
A federal land use plan may have drastic impacts on southwest Wyoming. Here’s how to prepare.
For almost 10 years, we’ve been waiting for the release of the Bureau of Land Management’s draft Rock Springs Resource Management Plan. The release is imminent, the field office announced earlier this summer, but we’ve come to expect delays. So why is this plan so important? Because it will determine how 3.6 million acres of […]
Climate change: the new front line for conservation in Wyoming
Wyoming is changing, faster now than any of us could have predicted even six months ago. In our last issue of Frontline, we addressed the reality of climate change and what it means for Wyoming’s future. Climate change is not a separate issue, but one that is deeply intertwined with all aspects of our work […]
What’s next for Wyoming’s big game?
This winter, Gov. Mark Gordon signed an executive order detailing how mule deer and pronghorn migration corridors will be identified and managed in the state. The Wyoming Outdoor Council was heavily involved in the advocacy, collaboration, and negotiations that led to this order, and we were pleased the governor took this important step. But what […]
Filling in the connection gap left in the wake of COVID-19
One day in mid-March, all of us on the Wyoming Outdoor Council staff found ourselves sitting at home. The safest thing to do was to stop all work-related travel and work remotely rather from the Lander office. Our office remained open a few hours a day for our administrative staff (thank you Maureen and Misti) […]
FIELD Training Profile: Yufna Soldier Wolf
No matter how much Yufna Soldier Wolf insists she has more to learn about advocating for her community, her work already speaks for itself. Yufna is the former director of the Northern Arapaho Tribal Historic Preservation Office, where she worked for 12 years. During her time with the office, she was responsible for repatriating the […]
Story behind the photos: “Lincoln’s sparrow” and “Marmot” by Sean McKinley
“I’m done,” said Sean McKinley with an honest laugh. “I’ve found myself. I’m tired of cities and people.” When he says done, he means living anywhere but Wyoming. And when he says he’s found himself, he means behind a lens. And when he says he’s tired of cities and people, that does not include animals. […]