

Deadline approaching for Wyo Range comments

IF YOU HAVEN’T DONE SO ALREADY, now is your chance to support a new proposal by the U.S. Forest Service not to lease 44,700 acres in the Wyoming Range for oil and gas development. The deadline to comment on the agency’s preferred alternative is March 22....

Happy to see two bills vetoed

By Richard Garrett, Jr. GOV. DAVE FREUDENTHAL HAS VETOED two bills: Senate File 13, called “Economic Analysis” and House Bill 97, the nuclear energy production study. The Wyoming Outdoor Council was happy to hear of these two decisions, and is grateful to...

Sage-grouse not listed as endangered species

THE GREATER SAGE-GROUSE will not be protected as an endangered species, at least not this year. In a much-anticipated decision—with big implications for Wyoming and other western states—Interior Secretary Ken Salazar announced Friday that the iconic western bird is...

Day 16, Wyoming State Legislature, 60th session

By Richard Garrett, Jr. TEASING OUT THE BIAS IN THE ‘ECONOMIC ANALYSIS’ BILL… Going into this legislative session the Wyoming Outdoor Council had several priorities. Perhaps at the top of our list of concerns was Wyoming Senate File 13, called...

Day 12, Wyoming State Legislature, 60th session

By Richard Garrett, Jr. THE MIDWAY POINT — THROUGH THE LOOKING GLASS This week marks the beginning of the second half of the month-long legislative session. In many ways the next two weeks will be the mirror image of the first two. Bills that managed their way...