
Legislative Lowdown: A huge week for nuclear waste storage, rooftop solar, and more

For WOC’s legislative team in Cheyenne, it was an exhausting (but exciting!) week. The power of public engagement was on clear display, and thanks to your participation, we saw some of our highest priority bills defeated.

Read on for the latest on nuclear waste storage, rooftop solar, public lands, and more — as well as what we’re anticipating in the week ahead.


We’re pleased to share that House Bill 16 died last week when the House Minerals Committee voted to table it. The vote on the bill (which would have opened the door for Wyoming to be the country’s nuclear waste dump) came on the heels of overwhelming public pushback. One representative even commented, “I’ve got hundreds of emails, and not one is in support of the project or this idea.”

If you wrote to the committee and urged them to vote against HB16, thank you! It made a difference.

Although HB16 is off the table for now, it’s clear that Wyoming is moving toward policies that embrace nuclear energy. We will keep a watchful eye to ensure these decisions are not rushed, and that Wyoming citizens have a say as future discussions move forward.


Perhaps one of the most egregious actions we’ve followed at the legislature so far is the advancement of Senate Joint Resolution 2. This resolution would not create any law, but it demands that Congress hand over all federal public lands in Wyoming to the state.

Despite testimony from WOC and other organizations about the threats to public access and the massive negative economic implications of public lands transfer, the Senate Agriculture Committee voted 4–1 to advance SJ2.

TAKE ACTION: Now more than ever, we need you to tell legislators that public lands transfer is an affront to our way of life here in Wyoming. Send a message to your senator and tell them to vote ‘NO’ on SJ2.


For the first time since we’ve been working on rooftop solar and net metering as an issue, we have two opposing bills moving through the House and Senate.

Senate File 111, a bad bill that would hobble Wyomingites’ ability to participate in rooftop solar, passed the Senate Corporations Committee in a 4–1 vote and will move to the Senate floor this week. There’s better news on the House side: House Bill 183, a good bill that would expand the ability of non-residential customers to invest in rooftop solar, passed the House Minerals Committee unanimously.

TAKE ACTION: We could use your help in getting this good bill, HB183, to pass out of the House. If you want to see more rooftop solar in Wyoming now is the time you write your local representative to let them know that you support HB183 and rural energy independence. For suggested talking points, check out our fact sheet here.


House Bill 10, a problematic bill that would have greatly expanded the types of minerals to be exempt from permitting under the Limited Mining Operations category, failed to pass last week. As with HB16, public testimony played a key role in this positive outcome. Specifically, the Casper Mountain Preservation Alliance helped move legislators to oppose the bill. The collective voice of the public really can make a difference!


Following multiple accidents involving people’s pets, the Wyoming Game and Fish Department has been working hard to make trapping safer on public lands. One key reform that has remained elusive — the authority to mandate traps be set a certain distance away from trails — is finally closer to becoming a reality.

Thanks to the tireless work of citizen advocates, last week the Senate Travel, Recreation, Wildlife, and Cultural Resources Committee advanced Senate File 139, which would grant the Game and Fish Commission the authority to create setback distances for traps on public land, to the Senate Floor.


Gov. Gordon requested $130 million for restoration and invasive grass management in the wake of last year’s devastating wildfires in northeast Wyoming — a request that the Joint Appropriations Committee severely reduced two weeks ago. Fortunately, Senate File 148 offers something of an insurance policy against further attacks on this critical funding.

SF148, which advanced out of two legislative committees last week, would reinstate the full $130 million requested by the governor. With nearly one million acres burned and an army of cheatgrass, ventenata, and medusahead ready to spread much deeper into Wyoming, getting this money out the door quickly to stop this infestation is essential for rangelands and wildlife alike.


If you came to our Beers & Bills event last week (either in Cheyenne, or via our livestream), thanks for joining us! We enjoyed sharing about the session’s most important bills, and appreciated the chance to hear your priorities and concerns. If you missed us this time, stay tuned for more events like this in the future.

Believe it or not, the session’s halfway mark is in sight, with crossover from one chamber to another happening at the end of this week.

Even though some of the worst bills we’ve been following have been defeated (or have been improved), the stakes only get higher from here. There are fewer opportunities to stop bad bills, and generally, we only have a day or two’s notice before a bill will be in committee or on the floor for debate.

We’ll continue to let you know the best time to contact your legislators for each of these important bills. Thank you for using your voice to make a difference!

Want to stay in the loop on important legislation and opportunities to take action? Sign up for our legislative emails!

Image: Meghan Riley

Legislative Lowdown: The bills are stacking up!

The 2025 General Session is off to an exciting, fast-paced start, and bills are stacking up quickly. We’re keeping an eye on legislation that would impact private property, nuclear waste, rooftop solar, and other conservation priorities in Wyoming — read on for key updates!

HB118 attacks future land exchanges

HB118 would effectively restrict any land exchanges or conveyances that increase the amount of federal public lands. Even worse, it would potentially prevent private landowners from selling their land for conservation purposes or public access — and stymie deals that often result in huge benefits to the state, such as the Kelly Parcel.

Last week, the bill easily passed the House Agriculture Committee. Read more about our concerns around this bad bill on our blog, and keep an eye on your email for action alerts!

Say “No” to Nuclear Waste Storage

We’re keeping a close watch on HB16, a worrisome bill about nuclear waste storage, as it moves towards a House Committee. This bill redefines “high-level nuclear waste” to exclude “spent nuclear fuel” from its definition in order to streamline a process for bringing hazardous waste from the country’s commercial nuclear reactors to Wyoming. Once this bill is assigned to a committee, we’ll need your help to speak against this bad idea — again! Keep an eye on your email for action alerts, and find more information about this troubling bill here.

On our latest blog, Big Wind Carpenter, WOC tribal engagement coordinator, outlines the long-term stakes of nuclear waste storage with a personal story about growing up in the shadow of the uranium industry. Read it here!

Rooftop Solar: Two (very different) bills

We are tracking two bills that promote very different visions for the future of rooftop solar in Wyoming. The first, SF111- Net metering revisions is the latest legislative attack on energy independence and rooftop solar. It continues a saga of uncertainty for rooftop solar customers — and is simply not needed given the tiny amount of rooftop solar and backyard wind in the state.

The second, HB183 – Net metering amendments is actually a good bill that would promote rooftop solar and help more ranchers, schools, and local governments take advantage of the sun to lower rising utility bills. Check out our factsheets for these two very different bills at the links above. We’ll keep you updated as they head to committee in the coming days or weeks.

Keeping Game & Fish’s budget healthy

To avoid a looming budget crunch, SF99 seeks to give the Wyoming Game and Fish Department a financial boost. By exempting a subset of Game and Fish properties from taxation, the bill could save the agency upwards of half a million dollars annually and put those dollars to work on behalf of Wyoming’s wildlife and people.

We testified in support of this bill last Thursday and are happy to report the Senate Travel, Wildlife, Recreation, and Cultural Resources Committee voted unanimously to advance it. Next up, Senate Appropriations. Stay tuned!

Upcoming: BEERS & BILLS

Join us January 30 at Black Tooth Brewing in Cheyenne (or via Zoom!) for a lively panel discussion with experts on the session’s most important topics.

If you’re curious about what to expect during the session or want to get more involved, this is an event not to miss. Doors open at 5 p.m., and the panel discussion (and livestream) begins at 5:30. This event is free and open to the public, but your RSVP will help us plan.

As we work to understand the many bills and priorities of this new legislature, we want to thank you for your support and engagement. The core values that have always guided us — clean air, clean water, and support for our public lands and wildlife — ring just as true today as they did nearly 60 years ago when we first entered the debate in Cheyenne.

This can be challenging work, but we are here for the fight. We couldn’t do it without support from people like you! Stay tuned for opportunities to leverage your voice to make an impact.

Want to stay in the loop on important legislation and opportunities to take action? Sign up for our legislative emails!

Image: Meghan Riley

House Bill 118 attacks future public lands access and landowner rights

The sale of the beloved Kelly Parcel, the former state section that has now been successfully incorporated into Grand Teton National Park, represented a win-win for wildlife and state trust beneficiaries. The $100 million generated from the sale will benefit Wyoming’s education system for decades to come. Unfortunately, some legislators are dead-set on preventing future deals with the federal government that could result in huge sources of revenue to the state — and also infringe on private property rights.

HB118 flew through the House Agriculture committee last week on an 8-1 vote, and without much debate, before passing the House Committee of the Whole shortly thereafter. The bill would essentially limit any land exchanges or conveyances that would result in a net gain of federal public lands. Even worse, the bill would potentially prevent private landowners from selling or conveying their land for conservation purposes or public access.

In addition to an attack on landowners’ rights, this bill is shortsighted because it stymies deals that often result in more benefits to the state. Even the Office of State Lands and Investments testified on the draft bill, indicating that it runs counter to the state agency’s existing rules and regulations and current efforts to find and shepherd deals to maximize state lands revenues. That’s because within state land sales or exchanges, valuation is not calculated solely on acreage.

In the case of the Kelly Parcel, a tract that has high conservation value, a combination of private and federal funding resulted in a sale to the federal government that was $38 million more than the parcel’s appraised value. So why would legislators want to shackle our own state agencies, infringe on private property rights, and prevent future deals that result in more public lands? We have no idea — but what we do know is that bills like HB118 are an affront to Wyoming values.

Most Wyomingites can agree that finding ways to conserve land while also generating revenue for the state is a benefit to all Wyomingites, and our wildlife, too. That’s why we need YOU to speak out against shortsighted legislation like HB118. In the coming weeks, we’ll be asking you to take action on a variety of bills, including this one and other draft legislation that impact the values we care about most. We hope you’re ready for the challenge and stay tuned for more, very soon.

Image: Charles Stirum

Legislative Lowdown: Wyoming’s 68th Legislature begins this week!

And … we’re off! The 2025 Wyoming Legislature kicks off this week, ushering in a jam-packed two months of debate, amendments, and votes on hundreds of bills impacting all aspects of life in Wyoming.

Many of these bills concern our lands, waters, wildlife, and climate. We’ll be following the action closely and keeping you updated every step of the way. Read on for an overview of what to expect from WOC, details about our upcoming Beers & Bills event, and more.

Updates on Important Bills

We’re keeping a close eye on bills related to public lands transfer, nuclear waste storage, limited mining operations, and rooftop solar — and those are just the topics we already know of. In the next several weeks, many more bills in other areas will be introduced.

For the best and most up-to-date information about the bills we’re keeping an eye on, visit the bill tracker on WOC’s legislative webpage. There you’ll also find resources for contacting legislators and much more.


Our staff on the ground in Cheyenne (wildlife program manager Meghan Riley, energy and climate policy director John Burrows, and myself) will share frequent updates and opportunities for you to take action. Keep an eye on our emails, and sign up for text messages from WOC, which we’ll reserve for the most urgent issues.

When you see action alerts from WOC, be ready to add your voice to the conversation — it truly makes a difference!


Join us January 30 at Black Tooth Brewing in Cheyenne (or via a Zoom livestream!) for a lively panel discussion with experts on the session’s most important topics.

If you’re curious about what to expect during the session or want to get more involved, this is an event not to miss. Doors open at 5 p.m., and the panel discussion (and livestream) begins at 5:30. This event is free and open to the public, but your RSVP will help us plan.

Know who your legislators are, and how to contact them?

Sending your legislators a message or calling them ahead of votes on important bills is the best way to participate during the session. Find your legislators’ contact info here. When you do reach out, keep your messages simple, tell the story behind your stance, and personalize the subject line of your message if sending by email.

That’s a wrap for now, but we’ll be in touch with more soon. If you have any questions in the meantime, please don’t hesitate to get in touch.

Want to stay in the loop on important legislation and opportunities to take action? Sign up for our legislative emails!


Recent press concerning the Wyoming Outdoor Council’s efforts to protect critical pronghorn migratory habitat has caused a bit of a stir in certain circles — and we’d like to set the record straight with an important message for the WOC community and other Wyomingites.

In this second part of a two-part message, WOC’s program director, Alec Underwood, responds to biased reporting and industry perspectives on WOC’s involvement in the July 2023 oil and gas lease sale, and lays out the need for reforms. If you haven’t already, be sure to read Part 1: On the Media, in which executive director Carl Fisher lays out this recent experience with the media in greater detail.

Setting the Record Straight on State Oil and Gas Leasing

There’s that common saying, that wildlife don’t know political or human-made boundaries. The complicated matrix of Wyoming land ownership can vex people, too — making it all the more important that we work together to build common-sense plans and policies to protect our uniquely Wyoming values.

Wyoming is not immune to major challenges for wildlife and occasionally, we see the threat of short-sighted development that warrants bold action to prevent it. Recent articles penned by Cowboy State Daily reporter Pat Maio paint a misleading picture of WOC’s involvement in state oil and gas lease sales, while taking as fact the lone perspective of industry. In an effort to provide transparency and factual information to the public, we at the Wyoming Outdoor Council would like to set the record straight. 

Though we are not against oil and gas leasing or other forms of industrial development, most people can agree that some places are just too special to develop. That was the case with ‘parcel 194’ in the Office of State Lands and Investments’ July 2023 oil and gas lease sale. The 640-acre tract of land is located squarely in a bottleneck portion of the Sublette Pronghorn migration corridor, a pinch-point that is vital to the herd’s seasonal movements.

Many Wyomingites know the story of how nearly 50 percent of the Sublette herd perished during the winter of 2023 — dropping from an estimated 43,000 animals to 24,000. That’s why we were alarmed when the state offered a development lease directly in this incredibly sensitive habitat for pronghorn. After raising our concerns with state leadership, the auction went forward with parcel 194 included, and without any stipulations in place to protect migratory big game. Left with no other options and the threat of future development in this sensitive habitat, we decided to participate in the oil and gas lease auction. 

Parcels offered in OSLI’s July 2023 oil and gas lease sale, overlaid with migratory data for the Sublette Pronghorn herd. Each yellow line represents a single radio-collared animal’s journey between summer and winter range. Parcels offered are bordered in blue; parcel 194 is visible at the bottom of the image. (Image: The Wilderness Society)

We did not take this action lightly nor is it a standard practice for WOC. In our eyes, our bid was an effort to demonstrate that we could still produce revenue for our state while also preserving important wildlife habitat. It was not an effort to “drive up prices” or start a “bidding war,” as falsely mischaracterized in Cowboy State Daily’s articles. Regardless, we were not the high bidder for the parcel, and we turned our efforts toward the State Board of Land Commissioners, urging them not to issue the lease. 

Despite having the support of both OSLI and the Wyoming Game and Fish Department for a new protective stipulation for the parcel, and hearing from hundreds of Wyomingites who wrote in opposition to leasing the ground in the first place, the Board issued the lease as-is — without any considerations for migratory pronghorn. 

The story of parcel 194 represents a larger issue within the system of state trust lands: There is no clear alternative to protect key habitat or other values from development, while also respecting the mandate to provide revenue for state trust beneficiaries. Given there is great interest from the public in how state lands are used (think Casper Mountain or Munger Mountain), we hope our state leaders are listening and will commit to solving this very real problem.

The recent changes to defining “qualified bidders” in state oil and gas lease sales brings into question how the Board of Land Commissioners makes decisions on state lands leases. Take for example that according to testimony from OSLI in a February 2024 legislative committee hearing, only 27 percent of state land oil and gas leases ever make it to production. Does that sound like a system that is fulfilling the Board’s constitutional charge of optimizing revenue?

Also important to note, the Board has full discretion in their duty to protect and care for all state lands This includes the ability to withdraw lands to protect economic or environmental interests. In addition to what conservation groups may be willing to pay for protecting a parcel, what is the long-term value of protecting the most sensitive habitat for thousands of migrating pronghorn?

The Wyoming Outdoor Council has always been committed to finding common-sense solutions to any issue that we work on. That’s why we’ve been calling for increased screening for conservation conflicts before sensitive habitat is leased, as well as urging state leaders and OSLI to develop a formal conservation leasing program. We believe the state can, and should, do better to address these known conflicts with other values.

Oil and gas production on state lands is undoubtedly a primary driver of revenue for our schools and other public institutions, and we respect that. But that shouldn’t preclude us from discovering new avenues to conserve important habitat on state lands and monetize them for the beneficiaries in a sustainable manner.

Using a word recently penned to describe our advocacy, the real “shenanigans” being played are by those who, on occasion, would rather sell out our wildlife for short-term gains. Rest assured, we’ll keep seeking solutions and advocating for conservation of the things that make Wyoming such a special place. We invite anyone who cares about healthy landscapes, clean air, clean water, and wildlife to join us in those efforts.

Alec Underwood is the program director for the Wyoming Outdoor Council. He resides in Lander.

Banner Image: © Scott Copeland Images

Help shape the future of public lands in Wyoming

WOC is looking for a public lands program manager to join our growing team.

In Wyoming, we’re fortunate to be surrounded by beautiful landscapes, abundant wildlife, and diverse opportunities to enjoy the outdoors. Whether you like to hike, bike, hunt, fish, or birdwatch, there is no doubt that the connections we’ve formed with these special places remains a primary reason many of us live — and travel — here. While enjoying everything Wyoming has to offer is essential to our quality of life, it’s even more essential that we work to protect it for future generations. 

With many competing interests on public lands, growing recreational use, and increased stressors like drought and wildfires, it’s no easy task to ensure that clean water, clean air, wildlife, and the habitats they depend on are protected. Here at the Wyoming Outdoor Council, we are rising to the challenge to keep Wyoming intact and communities thriving for generations to come. 

Through the diligent work of WOC staff, we are helping craft solutions for public lands issues by working with the public and a variety of stakeholders. Excitingly, we’re working to expand our work on public lands as we grow our program team, and are seeking a motivated conservation professional to join us as our Public Lands Program Manager. 

It’s both an exciting and critical time for the future of Wyoming’s lands, waters, and wildlife. Among other duties, you’ll work with our program team to help develop strategies for public lands campaigns and maintain relationships with partners, members, and agency officials to further our conservation goals. In addition to helping shape the future of public lands in Wyoming, you’ll enjoy working with a collaborative team and for an organization that is committed to a healthy work-life balance.

If you have relevant experience and a passion for conservation, come join our energetic team at the Outdoor Council. The deadline to apply is May 10. If you have any questions after reading through the job description below, don’t hesitate to reach out to me. We look forward to hearing from you soon!

Rock Springs RMP: An extraordinary opportunity to protect the Red Desert

FOR OVER A DECADE, we’ve been eagerly anticipating — and preparing for — the release of the Rock Springs Resource Management Plan. The RMP, issued by the Bureau of Land Management, would have enormous implications for the future of the world-renowned and beloved Red Desert, the largest unfenced area in Wyoming and home to some of our state’s most iconic wildlife.

We’re thrilled to say that after 12 years of waiting, the moment has finally arrived! On the morning of August 16 (while Wyoming Outdoor Council staff gathered around a conference table for a regular program meeting, in fact), we learned that the draft RMP had just been published.

Not only is the draft plan extremely favorable to conservation, but it aligns closely with the Red Desert values WOC has worked so hard to connect people with over the last several years.

Images: Joe Riis

With its strong protections for wildlife, cultural values, wide-open spaces, and recreation, there’s a lot to be excited about in the draft RMP. The draft includes four management alternatives, and the BLM’s preferred alternative affords the highest levels of protection. This conservation-focused alternative will:

  • Protect high-quality habitat for Greater sage-grouse and all our treasured wildlife species.
  • Maintain and expand closures for oil and gas development to fully protect winter range and migration corridors for mule deer, pronghorn, and elk herds.
  • Preserve significant cultural and historical resources and protect Indigenous traditional ecological knowledge.
  • Ensure unparalleled opportunities for hiking, camping, hunting, biking, and other recreational activities now and for generations to come.

Supporting the draft plan’s preferred alternative is the best opportunity we’ve ever had to secure lasting protections for the Red Desert. 

Images: Josh Milek, Ken Driese, ©Scott Copeland Images

This is an exciting moment, but our work is far from done. Since the RMP’s release, we’ve entered into the BLM’s 90-day public comment period. Now is the time to speak up for this cherished landscape. Every voice matters. Together, we can ensure the Red Desert may be enjoyed now and well into the future.

From now until mid-November when the public comment period closes, WOC will be working with its partners, members, and other Wyomingites to support a strong final plan. We need your help, too: Over the next several months, we’ll keep you up-to-date with information on public meetings, letter-writing parties, and other events. (If you haven’t signed up to receive our emails, now is the time — we’ll be sharing how you can use your voice to make a difference!) And, of course, we’ll continue to celebrate the Red Desert, its significant cultural values, world-famous wildlife and migration corridors, and its unparalleled recreation opportunities and wide-open spaces.

Stay up to date with the latest news, events, and opportunities to show your support for the Red Desert when you sign up to receive emails from the Wyoming Outdoor Council.