

Wyoming’s public lands offer extraordinary opportunities like hunting, fishing, outdoor recreation, solitude in remote places, and abundant wildlife. At the Wyoming Outdoor Council, we advocate for balanced management of public lands that respects multiple use. And as we look ahead, we’re mindful of working against the backdrop of Wyoming’s changing economy. Our state relies heavily on oil, gas, and coal revenues to fund local government. But the boom-bust nature of resource extraction can create uncertainty and instability. Meanwhile, instead of taking the long view, some lawmakers push short-term agendas — seeking state management or even sale of our public lands. We’ve been successful in defeating these attempts by providing leadership within the Keep it Public, Wyoming coalition, and we continue to support keeping public lands in public hands, robust public participation in resource management, and transparency in decisionmaking.

Many of our public lands in Wyoming are leased or already developed for industrial uses such as oil and gas drilling, hard rock and coal mining, and industrial-scale wind generation. Where development is appropriate on public lands, we advocate for “doing it right,” developing in a way that avoids or minimizes impacts to other resources.

At the same time, there are places in Wyoming that are too special to drill. We advocate for conservation of important values like big game migration corridors, opportunities for back country recreation, and the highest Greater sage-grouse density areas on earth. The opportunity to access wild, open spaces on our public lands contributes to an unparalleled quality of life for Wyoming residents. Visited by millions of people each year, these lands also add significantly to our state’s economy.

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