
Legislative Lowdown: Updates on rooftop solar, mining operations, and more

This post was originally published on January 24, 2025.

It’s been an eventful second week at the Capitol — and although this session feels slightly slower-paced than previous years, the need for citizen action is as urgent as ever. Now and in the coming week, we need your voice to protect our shared interests in Cheyenne!

Read on for key updates and ways you can help.


This morning, the Senate Corporations Committee discussed Senate File 111, a bad bill that makes it harder for Wyomingites to invest in rooftop solar. The bill also gives utilities more control over how property owners are compensated for the electricity they generate using their own rooftop solar systems.

The committee was running behind schedule today and wasn’t able to hear all the public comment on this bill — so they’ll resume the discussion Monday morning. This gives us another chance to defend rooftop solar in Wyoming. If you haven’t yet, please take a few minutes to tell committee members why rooftop solar is important to you!

A big thank you to the many people who already took action. Together, we can protect Wyomingites’ energy independence!

Oh, and one final thing: SF111 is one of two bills related to rooftop solar that we’re tracking. Keep an eye out for updates on the other, HB183, as early as next week.


House Bill 118, which would block future public lands acquisitions, passed the House of Representatives this week. This egregious bill would prevent the state from negotiating land exchanges that could benefit Wyoming’s education system, such as the Kelly Parcel sale. If passed, HB118 would even prevent private landowners from selling or donating their land to become public lands.

It’s clear that some legislators are dead set on preventing future public lands deals while also telling landowners who they can and can’t sell their property to. We won’t stand for it: As the bill moves to the Senate, we’ll be watching closely and calling on you to step up for public lands. Keep an eye out for alerts!


House Bill 10, which expands the types of minerals that are exempt from mine permitting, advanced through the House Minerals Committee this week. Though the bill has been improved, we’re still concerned about threats to land and water quality posed by the inclusion of hard rock minerals in Limited Mining Operations, or LMOs. The bill is also problematic for adjacent landowners — with LMOs, there are no opportunities for the public to weigh in on potential impacts, including noise disturbance, dust, and impacts on property values.

Despite testimony from concerned residents and conservation organizations, the committee passed the bill on an 8-1 vote. We’ll be monitoring this bill as it moves through the House and seeking opportunities to amend it to protect landowners and Wyoming communities.


After last year’s catastrophic wildfires that decimated northeast Wyoming rangelands, Gov. Gordon requested $130 million in his supplemental budget for restoration, invasive grass management, and support for affected communities. Unfortunately, this week the Joint Appropriations Committee slashed $30 million from this request and moved to make these funds available only as loans.

This shortsighted amendment hurts Wyoming’s wildlife and people and we’ll do what we can to fight back against these cuts. Read more here. If you’re in eastern Wyoming, you can hear directly from the governor about the urgent need for wildfire restoration at one of three public meetings in Gillette, Sheridan, and Wheatland on Monday, January 27.


Every year, the Wyoming Wildlife and Natural Resources Trust helps fund exceptional projects across the state to improve watershed heath, shore up wildlife habitat, and benefit communities. This year, WWNRT is seeking legislative approval for 11 projects that would combat cheatgrass, restore rangelands and rivers, and build wildlife crossing structures.

The bill concerning these projects, Senate File 88, passed its first hurdle yesterday, with the Senate Travel, Wildlife, Recreation, and Cultural Resources Committee voting unanimously in favor. The next stop for this bill is the Joint Appropriations Committee.

Monday will mark the session’s third week, which means we’re in the thick of it! Our legislative team will continue sharing updates and keeping you informed about opportunities for action. Keep an eye out for more, and as always — let us know if you have questions. We’re always here for a conversation.

Want to stay in the loop on important legislation and opportunities to take action? Sign up for our legislative emails!

Image: Meghan Riley