

Pocket gopher not protected as an endangered species

THE U.S. FISH AND WILDLIFE SERVICE has decided not to protect the Wyoming pocket gopher as an endangered species, the agency announced today. This decision came in response to a 2007 petition to list the animal as endangered or threatened under the Endangered Species...

Video: Pocket gopher basics

Video: An expert from the University of Wyoming explains some of the basics about pocket gophers. There are a variety of pocket gopher species, including the Wyoming pocket gopher. Credit: ONOW2008 via YouTube

Pocket gopher decision expected tomorrow

By Sophie Osborn IN EARLY MARCH, WYOMING BRACED FOR A DECISION by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service on whether to list the greater sage-grouse as a threatened or endangered species under the Endangered Species Act. (The bird was not listed.) Now south-central Wyoming...

Opportunity to protect land near the Sunlight Basin

A MESSAGE TO WYOMING OUTDOOR COUNCIL MEMBERS AND FRIENDS: WE HAVE AN OPPORTUNITY TO HELP the Shoshone National Forest buy a piece of land near the Sunlight Basin from a private landowner who wants to sell it to the agency. Please contact Senator John Barrasso and ask...

Comments on new smog standard due March 22

  THE ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY PROPOSED NEW SMOG STANDARDS in January with the aim of bringing health benefits to millions of Americans. The deadline to submit comments to the EPA on its proposed rule changes for ground-level ozone is March 22. Please see...

Deadline approaching for Wyo Range comments

IF YOU HAVEN’T DONE SO ALREADY, now is your chance to support a new proposal by the U.S. Forest Service not to lease 44,700 acres in the Wyoming Range for oil and gas development. The deadline to comment on the agency’s preferred alternative is March 22....

Happy to see two bills vetoed

By Richard Garrett, Jr. GOV. DAVE FREUDENTHAL HAS VETOED two bills: Senate File 13, called “Economic Analysis” and House Bill 97, the nuclear energy production study. The Wyoming Outdoor Council was happy to hear of these two decisions, and is grateful to...