Legislators on the Senate floor of the Wyoming Captiol.

Legislative Lowdown: Wyoming’s 68th Legislature begins this week!

And … we’re off! The 2025 Wyoming Legislature kicks off this week, ushering in a jam-packed two months of debate, amendments, and votes on hundreds of bills impacting all aspects of life in Wyoming.

Many of these bills concern our lands, waters, wildlife, and climate. We’ll be following the action closely and keeping you updated every step of the way. Read on for an overview of what to expect from WOC, details about our upcoming Beers & Bills event, and more.

Updates on Important Bills

We’re keeping a close eye on bills related to public lands transfer, nuclear waste storage, limited mining operations, and rooftop solar — and those are just the topics we already know of. In the next several weeks, many more bills in other areas will be introduced.

For the best and most up-to-date information about the bills we’re keeping an eye on, visit the bill tracker on WOC’s legislative webpage. There you’ll also find resources for contacting legislators and much more.


Our staff on the ground in Cheyenne (wildlife program manager Meghan Riley, energy and climate policy director John Burrows, and myself) will share frequent updates and opportunities for you to take action. Keep an eye on our emails, and sign up for text messages from WOC, which we’ll reserve for the most urgent issues.

When you see action alerts from WOC, be ready to add your voice to the conversation — it truly makes a difference!


Join us January 30 at Black Tooth Brewing in Cheyenne (or via a Zoom livestream!) for a lively panel discussion with experts on the session’s most important topics.

If you’re curious about what to expect during the session or want to get more involved, this is an event not to miss. Doors open at 5 p.m., and the panel discussion (and livestream) begins at 5:30. This event is free and open to the public, but your RSVP will help us plan.

Know who your legislators are, and how to contact them?

Sending your legislators a message or calling them ahead of votes on important bills is the best way to participate during the session. Find your legislators’ contact info here. When you do reach out, keep your messages simple, tell the story behind your stance, and personalize the subject line of your message if sending by email.

That’s a wrap for now, but we’ll be in touch with more soon. If you have any questions in the meantime, please don’t hesitate to get in touch.

Want to stay in the loop on important legislation and opportunities to take action? Sign up for our legislative emails!