

Sage-grouse not listed as endangered species

THE GREATER SAGE-GROUSE will not be protected as an endangered species, at least not this year. In a much-anticipated decision—with big implications for Wyoming and other western states—Interior Secretary Ken Salazar announced Friday that the iconic western bird is...

Day 16, Wyoming State Legislature, 60th session

By Richard Garrett, Jr. TEASING OUT THE BIAS IN THE ‘ECONOMIC ANALYSIS’ BILL… Going into this legislative session the Wyoming Outdoor Council had several priorities. Perhaps at the top of our list of concerns was Wyoming Senate File 13, called...

Day 12, Wyoming State Legislature, 60th session

By Richard Garrett, Jr. THE MIDWAY POINT — THROUGH THE LOOKING GLASS This week marks the beginning of the second half of the month-long legislative session. In many ways the next two weeks will be the mirror image of the first two. Bills that managed their way...

Day 10, Wyoming State Legislature, 60th session

By Richard Garrett, Jr. IT’S NOT ALL ABOUT WIND, AT LEAST NOT ALL OF THE TIME… Even though a great deal of time so far this session has been devoted to legislation related to wind energy development, yesterday’s House Minerals, Business and Economic...

Day 7, Wyoming State Legislature, 60th session

By Richard Garrett, Jr. APPROPRIATIONS SEEKS TO TIGHTEN DEQ’S BELT — WE RESIST As Wyoming Outdoor Council members know, we’ve been tracking (and engaging in) several wind-energy-related bills. One of these is HB 0072, sponsored by Rep. Tim Stubson of...

Day 6, Wyoming State Legislature, 60th session

By Richard Garrett, Jr. WIND DEBATE STIRS WYOMING HOUSE… Taxing Wind Proves Vexing The House Revenue Committee listened to a sometimes contentious debate Monday morning regarding HB 101, the proposed state tax on wind energy production...

Day 2, Wyoming State Legislature, 60th session

By Richard Garrett, Jr. WIND TAKES CENTER STAGE… Yesterday’s Joint Minerals, Business and Economic Development Committee heard from Rep. Tim Stubson and Sen. Drew Perkins on two of the four major wind energy related bills that will be introduced during...

Day 1, Wyoming State Legislature, 60th Session

By Richard Garrett, Jr. AND THEY’RE OFF… Governor Freudenthal’s State of the State Perhaps predictably in the time of Tea Parties, Scott Brown, and the D.C. treadmill (go nowhere, but go there fast) the governor opted for a decidedly conservative run...